iPhone Camera informations may be found at https://support.apple.com/guide/iphone/take-great-photos-and-videos-iph9bbc8619e/16.0/ios/16.0
Android phone camera information may be found at the the individual manufactures web sitel.
To enter"Pro" mode
iPhone Users
* Here are the steps on how to change settings to use the Pro mode of an iPhone X:
* Open the Camera app on your iPhone.
* Tap on the Mode button at the top of the screen.
* Scroll down and select Pro.
* You will now see a number of settings that you can adjust, including:
* ISO: This controls the sensitivity of the camera to light.
* Shutter Speed: This controls how long the shutter is open, which affects how much light is captured.
* Focus: This controls where the camera is focused.
* White Balance: This controls the color temperature of the image.
Android Users:
Here are the steps on how to change settings to use the pro mode of an Android phone camera:
* Open the camera app on your phone.
* Look for the "Pro" mode setting. It may be labeled as "Manual" or "Expert" mode in some phones.
* Once you're in Pro mode, you'll see a number of settings that you can adjust, including:
* ISO: This controls the camera's sensitivity to light.
* Shutter speed: This controls how long the camera's shutter is open.
* Aperture: This controls the amount of light that is allowed into the camera through the lens.
* White balance: This controls the color temperature of your photos.